First Court
First Court is a legal consulting firm that enlists freelancers to participate in mock trials and legal focus groups. Expected pay: $20 – $40 per hour Husl$core: $$$$
LegalFocusGroup connects lawyers with virtual jurors and online focus group participants, who get paid to opine on legal cases Expected pay: $15 – $50 per hour Husl$core: $$$$
Online Verdict
Online Verdict enlists individuals to participate in mock trials online Expected pay: $20 to $60 per case (cases usually take 20- minutes to 1 hour) Husl $core: $$$$
Jury Test
Jury Test invites consumers to participate in mock trials for pay Expected pay: $5 to $50 per trial Husl$core: $$$
SignUpDirect enlists individuals to participate in mock trials and online legal surveys Expected pay: $12 – $20 per hour Husl $core: $$$
Bark offers to connect service providers of all kinds with potential customers. But you pay for leads that are sometimes worthless. Expected pay:You set it yourself Husl$core: $$
eJury invites individuals to participate in mock trials, paying $5 to $10 per trial Expected pay: $5 to $10 per trial Husl $core: $$
Virtual Jury
Virtual Jury enlists individuals to be mock jurors, but doesn’t provide much information about what this entails. Expected pay: Not disclosed Husl $core: $