Category: Work Note Taking

  • Transcription Outsourcing

    Transcription Outsourcing

    Transcription Outsourcing enlists freelancers to transcribe audio from court hearings, police calls, medical and business interviews, and hires solely from the U.S. Expected pay: 0.85 – $5.00 per audio minute; or 7-10 cents per (65 character) line for medical transcription Husl$core: $$$$

  • Study Soup

    Study Soup

    Study Soup enlists students to take detailed notes in class and make them available for sale to other students Expected pay: $100 + per class Husl $core: $$$$

  • Nexus Notes

    Nexus Notes

    Nexus Notes enlists students and former students to sell their class notes on the site. Expected pay: $17.50 per sale (see review for detailed explanation) Husl $core: $$$

  • Stuvia


    Stuvia is an international marketplace that allows you to upload and sell class notes. Expected pay: Set by you Husl$core: $$$

  • GigSmart


    GigSmart is a marketplace that connects part-time workers and companies and individuals who need help. Expected pay: varies by job Husl$core: $$$

  • Rev


    Rev enlists freelancers for online work translating, transcribing and/or captioning tapes and videos. Expected pay: $18 – $180 per audio hour Husl$core: $$$

  • One Class

    One Class

    One Class pays college students to share their class notes Expected pay: nominal Husl $core: $

  • Course Hero

    Course Hero

    Course Hero enlists subject matter experts to answer questions from college students for pay Expected pay: $1 – $5 per answer Husl $core: $