
Oneva connects caregivers, pet-sitters, massage therapists, housekeepers and drivers, with clients wiling to pay for their services

Expected pay: You set it

Husl$core: $$$

Commissions & fees: None to workers

Where: Northern California

Requirements: LifeScan and personal references

What is Oneva?

Oneva is a marketplace that connects caregivers of all types — child, adult and special needs care, pet-sitters, massage therapists, housekeepers and drivers — with clients. The clients are the employees of large companies that provide Oneva’s caregiver referral service as an employee benefit.

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How it works

Caregivers can sign up, but are required to pass a LifeScan, which is offered through the state of California. The site also requires and checks caregiver references. Once accepted, caregivers decide what services they want to provide and what to charge.

Set your rates

Oneva can provide suggestions, letting you know what other caregivers in the system charge for similar work, for instance. However, you set your own rates and collect 100% of the pay. The platform also promises bonuses for signing up and referring friends.

Oneva does not deduct any commissions from the worker’s pay. The site earns money by marking up the cost of your services to the end user.

There are no worrisome caveats in the site’s terms. However, Oneva is young and currently only operates in Northern California. It also has relatively few customers — or caregivers — signed up. So the chance of getting a job through this site is pretty slim, at least for the moment.


That said, the site has ambitious plans and the structure is attractive for caregivers. Since the only cost to list is whatever it costs to get LifeScanned (which you may want to do anyway), there’s little downside to listing your availability here. You can find Oneva here.

However, at least at the moment, you have a far greater chance of finding a caregiving position by signing up with Care. Care is the largest caregiving site in the country, and caregivers tell us it consistently delivers clients. The downside: It charges everyone a membership fee. However, the membership fee for caregivers is relatively modest. You can sign up with Care here.

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