- eBay
eBay can help you sell anything from clothing to crafts and get you discounts on shipping
Commissions & Fees: 10% – 15% of the sales price.
Husl$core: $$$$$
- CraigsList
CraigsList is a free classified advertising site to sell anything; look for a job; rent out your house or car
Commissions & fees: mostly free (though employers and brokers pay fees to list)
Husl$core: $$$$
- Nextdoor
Nextdoor is a social networking site that allows you to post items for sale, find a job, lend or rent your personal items, ranging from camping equipment to carpet cleaners.
Commissions & fees: none
Husl$core: $$$$
- Amazon
Amazon can help you sell anything from jewelry to books, movies, clothing, furniture in exchange for a listing and referral fee
Commissions & Fees: variable (see review)
Husl$core: $$$
- OfferUp
OfferUp helps you sell personal items, ranging from musical instruments and furniture to clothing and books
Commissions & Fees: 0-12.9%
Husl$core: $$$
- Sideline Swap
Sideline Swap is an online marketplace for selling all types of sporting goods and equipment.
Commissions & fees: 12% – 15% (includes credit card transaction fees)
$ideHusl rating: $$$$
- GearTrade
GearTrade is an online consignment store for lightly-used sporting equipment
Commissions & fees: 20% – 85%
Husl $core: $$