Time Etc. provides flexible, part-time work for secretaries, virtual and personal assistants who want to work from home.
Expected pay: $17 per hour
Husl$core: $$$
Commissions & fees: NA
Where: Nationwide
Requirements: Computer, organizational skills, stable internet connection
Time Etc. Review:
If you have mad secretarial skills, but want or need to work part-time from home, Time Etc. can provide a reasonable answer. The company enlists freelance virtual assistants to answer calls and email, schedule appointments and do other remote tasks.
How it works
Virtual assistants, who do everything from typing and schedule management to social media marketing, can work as little as 5 hours per week at times that work for them. But the company asks that you have at least a few hours during the normal business day to provide services.
Time Etc. pays $17 per hour to start and allows assistants to get regular raises. However, the site pays VAs just once monthly and doesn’t offer full-time work.
Satisfied workers
Both customers and employees appear to be happy with Time Etc., and the company appears to be highly responsive to employee comments. When a virtual assistant complained on Glassdoor that her hours didn’t qualify for a pay hike even though she’d been working for the company for over a year, for instance, Time Etc. responded with a new pay formula to get this assistant a raise.
This site has responded to the main complaint about it — that it used only pay $11 an hour. Now, paying $17 an hour gets this site’s wages above minimum levels in even the highest-cost parts of the country. That makes it a nice option for military spouses, stay-at-home parents and others who need extremely flexible part-time work.
Other sites to consider: Belay and Boldly.
What their virtual assistants say: (from Glassdoor)
If you are a seasoned virtual assistant, they’ll send you almost a hundred of clients a day. Every individual person I spoke with at corporate was fantastic. They were supportive and helpful. But the clients are “claimed” quickly, sometimes before you even have the ability to review the tasks. The pay that you get for the tasks is very low. For many of these clients, they are wanting accountants, communications managers, client relations managers and project management for cheap.
There are an endless number of clients to choose from and it allows you gain experience. They are also there if you have questions and everyone is incredibly nice. But the pay is definitely lower than you could charge if you were to freelance on your own.
Great for SAH Mom
I have been with Time Etc for 6 months now and it has been great so far. I can get matched with clients based on my skills/experience, as opposed to freelance gigs where you have to constantly search for opportunities. Time etc brings them right to you and you can apply with a single click. I am a stay at home mom so this is a great way to have something else to keep my mind on sometimes and make some extra cash. Super flexible hours, great clients, and fair pay for the amount of work load. You can chat with support super easily when you need help and they are really good at getting back to you quickly.
“I have been working for Time Etc. as a Virtual Assistant for almost a 1 1/2 years and love it. I truly enjoy working with multiple clients while being able to have a flexible schedule. Time Etc. has a wonderful Help Desk Team who respond quickly with any questions that come up. They not only want to ensure that their clients are highly satisfied with Time Etc., they also strive to ensure their Virtual Assistants are just as satisfied working there.”
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