
  • Bungii

    Bungii is a same-day delivery service that enlists freelance drivers to help people and companies move heavy and bulky items.

    Expected pay: about $45 per hour

    Husl$core: $$$

  • Frayt

    Frayt is a last-mile delivery service that enlists freelance drivers to pick up and deliver everything from building supplies to television sets.

    Expected pay: $20 – $30 per hour

    Husl$core: $$$

  • Lugg

    Lugg is a moving app that enlists freelancers to deliver furniture from retail stores and help people move. But pay and terms are bad.

    Expected pay: nominal, after expenses

    Husl$core: $

  • Taskrabbit

    Taskrabbit connects freelancers with work in a wide array of jobs, from cleaning and delivery to decorating and construction.

    Expected pay: You set the rate

    Husl$core: $$$$$

  • JiffyOnDemand

    Jiffy is a website where you can register as a provider of handyman services, ranging from plumbing and electrical work to cleaning and yard maintenance

    Expected pay: $40 – $85 per hour

    Husl$core: $$$$

  • Citizen Shipper

    Citizen Shipper matches consumers who need help moving furniture, pets and other household items with drivers, who are headed in the same direction.

    Expected pay: set by you

    Husl$core: $$$$

  • uShip: How To Optimize Your Shipping Business

    uShip connects people who need something moved — furniture, pets, appliances — with the movers willing and able to do it

    Expected pay: set by you

    Husl$core: $$$$

  • HelpAroundTown

    HelpAroundTown is a job-listing site that aims to connect individuals and businesses needing help with willing workers.

    Expected pay: varies by job

    Husl$core: $$$$

  • GoShare

    Use your truck, or help someone with a truck, help other people move

    Expected pay: $45+ per hour

    Husl $core: $$$

  • HireAHelper

    HireAHelper allows movers the ability to advertise labor-only work, setting their own rates and availability, paying a fee for marketing and support

    Expected pay: you set it, generally between $30 and $90 per hour


  • Dolly

    Dolly enlists freelancers to help people move and get heavy items delivered

    Expected pay: $15 to $30 per hour, plus tips

    Husl$core: $$$

  • Dude I Need A Truck

    Dude I Need a Truck is a micro-moving service that utilizes side hustlers with trucks to move everything from Costco and Ikea purchases to the contents of entire house or apartment

    Expected pay: $20- $30 an hour

    Husl$core: $$$

  • Airtasker

    AirTasker connects clients who need a service with freelancers willing to provide it. Clients set the price

    Expected pay: Varies

    Husl$core: $$$

  • Laborjack

    Laborjack connects customers with movers, landscapers, carpenters and other laborers.

    Expected pay: $15 – $20 per hour

    Husl$core: $$$

  • Bark

    Bark offers to connect service providers of all kinds with potential customers. But you pay for leads that are sometimes worthless.

    Expected pay:You set it yourself

    Husl$core: $$

  • Bellhop

    Bellhop enlists freelancers to help people move, but pays poorly

    Expected pay: $15 – $21 per hour (average, including tips)

    Husl$core: $$