
BidAWiz was an online marketplace for accountants and bookkeepers to answer tax and accounting questions for pay, but doesn’t appear to be operating

Expected pay: NA

Husl$core: $

Commissions & fees: 25% referral fee

Where: Nationwide

Requirements: Must be a certified public account (CPA), enrolled agent (EA), or tax attorney (JD) with expertise in tax and accounting

BidaWiz Review:

If you’re searching for freelance accounting work, you’re almost certain to see mention of BidaWiz. BidaWiz promises to connect people with tax and accounting questions and projects with appropriate professionals with tax, finance, and accounting credentials. There’s just one problem: The site’s lights are on, but no one is home.

Despite having a rich website and a working phone number, the site’s only listed employee — founder Ryan Himmel — took another job in 2016. He now heads strategic partnerships at LeafLink Financial, a wholesale cannabis marketplace.

BidaWiz continued to post some financial Q&As, as well as some blog posts, for a while after Himmel left. However, no one at the site has responded to SideHusl’s calls or emails. My guess is that anyone aiming to freelance here is likely to get the same result. This is the primary reason SideHusl gives BidaWiz an abysmal Husl$core. Your chance of finding work is here probably nil. How the site handled freelancers when it was operating wasn’t great, either.


In the off chance that this dormant site is just catching a second-wind, here’s a snapshot of how it works (or worked).

Consumers can ask a limited number of questions for the experts to answer for free. Professionals can choose to answer in the hope that the customer will hire the expert for subsequent work. However, there’s no assurance that you will be hired. If you are, you set your own prices on either an hourly or per-project basis. BidaWiz says it will collect payments and pay you on the 1st and 15th of the month, deducting a 25% commission for the site’s referral fee.

But before you could dive into BIDaWIZ as a professional, you’d need to fill out an extensive application. The site says it will hire a third-party contractor to conduct a comprehensive check on your qualifications, too. That’s a time consuming process.

The catch

But the main problem with the structure is that a lot of people have one-time questions, particularly when they’re preparing an annual tax return. There’s little incentive for highly-paid professionals to take time out — particularly during busy season — to answer these for free. If you do answer, your chance of securing that person as a client is still highly speculative. And, if you’re ignoring existing clients to try to woo lookie-loos, you’re making a mistake.


As a tax professional, you have many flexible and lucrative job options available. You can find these through Acuity Financial, Paro, Bookminders, Robert Half, FlexProfessionals and Zintro. Additionally, Gerson Lehrman Group could be a valuable way to connect with the clients you are searching for with fewer fees involved.

If you are looking for a way to earn income by answering one-off questions, then a platform like JustAnswer could offer the right opportunity. An even better choice might be to list financial question-answering as a service on Fiverr. There, you can set your own rates. If you want to add “packages” to handle tax returns or bookkeeping, you can do that as well. There’s no reason to work for free.

What their users say:

There are no recent reviews nor complaints from freelancers or clients — another indication that this site is dormant.

Reviewed 11/2/2021

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