Opinionated about literature and/or consumer products? You can get paid to review books and products. The pay is nothing to write home about, but the jobs are generally easy and pleasant. Here are two sites of interest; one that pays freelancers to review books; the other to review products.

Review books

U.S. Review of Books pays between $25 and $75 for book reviews. Since you’ve got to read the book before you review it, pay by the hour calculations are miserable. But, if you are an avid reader and would be reading anyway, you get a check for participating in your passion. You can learn more about U.S. Review of Books here.

Notably, there is another book review company, called OnlineBookClub, that does a lot of advertising. We don’t recommend it. You can see why here.

Review products

Product Tube is a consumer research firm that pays consumers to do short — 2 to 4-minute –surveys and product reviews on video. You might review a chip brand, for instance, filming your thoughts on why you like it or don’t. The video is shot on your phone at home or in a store, depending on the assignment. Payments range from $5 to $35 per assignment and are made via Amazon gift card, usually within a few days of completing the assignment. Learn more about Product Tube here.

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