
FindFocusGroups provides a directory and alerts for people looking to join focus groups for pay

Expected pay: $50 – $300 per gig

Husl$core: $$$$

Commissions & fees:

Where: Nationwide

Requirements: Vary by study

What is FindFocusGroups?

FindFocusGroups is a marketplace for people seeking focus groups and focus groups seeking people. It doesn’t operate focus groups itself.

FindFocusGroups Review:

FindFocusGroups collects data on the research firms that are seeking participants. It publishes details about these groups on its site, giving people who want to participate the ability to apply. If you want to be notified when there are new focus groups, you can plug in your email and they’ll send you alerts.

It’s hard to argue against signing up, if you like this kind of work.

What’s a focus group?

Focus groups are used by market researchers to see how new products or services might be viewed by either the general public or specific audiences. Those audiences might be parents with children, members of an ethic group — or athletes. Or television enthusiasts. Or doctors.

Participating in focus groups is a bit like taking a lengthy survey. However, you typically spend more time on a focus group — minimum of an hour — than you would with a survey. In addition, focus groups are often conducted in person at a research facility, rather than online. Finally, you’re often meeting with a group, rather than answering questions individually.

Focus Group pay

The biggest draw of focus groups? They don’t require credentials or pre-planning, but they pay generously.  Most focus groups pay between $50 and $250 and require between 30 minutes and two hours of your time. All you need to do is have an opinion.

No-charge matching

FindFocusGroups may get some sort of referral fee from focus group operators. But it doesn’t charge you anything for the matching service.  And the site itself is easy to use and likely to save you time trying to find individual focus groups that you can qualify for.

Indeed, if you go to the FindFocusGroups site, you can search by city, state or set up alerts. You can also use this site to find paid surveys.

Myriad options

For instance, if you searched the site for focus groups in Austin recently, you’d find three options: One looking for people to talk about driving habits; one seeking 25-55 year-olds; and one on car maintenance. They each paid between $100 and $325 per study.

The least lucrative of the three involved a 60-minute online interview about car maintenance. The most lucrative involved a 2.5 hour interview about off-road driving.

It’s important to note that while you can find studies here, there’s no guarantee that you’ll get the work. Each study has its own specific requirements. You’ll need to apply directly to the people conducting the study or studies you want, answer a bunch more questions. And you may or may not be chosen.

Participants say that getting picked is relatively rare. Figure you might be asked to do one focus group every few months, if you’re actively seeking them out.


If you like the idea of getting paid to provide your opinion, this is a great place to start. You can sign up with FindFocusGroups here.

Also consider SignUp Direct,  Field Work and Shifrin-Hayworth.

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