SkiptheDrive is a curated job board for remote and flexible positions
Expected pay: Vary by position
Husl$core: $$$$$
Commissions & fees: None for job seekers
Where: Nationwide
Requirements: Vary
What is SkiptheDrive?
SkipTheDrive is a curated job board that helps you find telecommuting work in a wide array of fields, ranging from accounting to tech.
How it works
Because this is a digital job board, you don’t even need to sign up or sign in. You simply browse job listings by searching by the title or industry you’re interested in.
SkiptheDrive review
It’s hard not to like a curated job board that helps you find remote work for free. And that’s what SkiptheDrive offers.
The site allows you to search for jobs by title or industry. And, no matter what type of job you’re looking for, this site is likely to have dozens — if not hundreds — of options.
Another nice feature is that the site says how old the job listing is, which helps save you from replying to stale help-wanted advertisements.
That said, most of the listings on this site are not original. Although employers can list help-wanted advertisements here for a $99 monthly fee, the site appears to scrape other job boards, such as CareerBuilder and ZipRecruiter, for the bulk of its listings.
However, SkipTheDrive does a good job of categorizing and culling for remote, hybrid and telecommuting positions. And, unlike FlexJobs and many other curated sites, it does not charge job seekers for access.
One shortcoming
To use the site, job seekers simply search by title or industry and click on the jobs that interest them. If you want to apply, SkiptheDrive provides links to the listing company’s website.
But that’s where you run into the one weirdness with this site. Instead of linking to the listing that you clicked on, SkiptheDrive simply sends you to the employing company’s home page. It’s up to you to find the careers page and the specific job listing that you went there to find.
To be sure, a serious job candidate should be able to navigate a corporate website well enough to get there eventually. But the process is unduly ponderous. We have to wonder if SkiptheDrive is making it tough to get to the scraped job listings as an incentive for the employers to pay its advertising fee.
Either way, it’s the one hitch in the SkiptheDrive user experience.
We like this site and see no reason not to search for remote work here. You can find SkiptheDrive here.
However, if you’re serious about finding a remote position, consider signing up with FlexJobs. Although FlexJobs charges a monthly fee for access to its curated job listings, job seekers give the site great reviews for ferreting out positions that they couldn’t find elsewhere. And because FlexJobs has a paywall, the positions it lists can’t be simply scraped to show up here.
Other good job boards to consider include Indeed (put the term “remote in the search bar). If you are a professional looking for work, you may also want to check out FreeUp and FlexProfessionals.
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