Category: Quiz

  • Care for children

    Care for children

    You might remember earning a dollar or two an hour when you were watching kids as a teenager, providing care for children has turned into a well-paid profession.

  • Outdoor jobs

    Outdoor jobs

    There are a number of side hustle platforms that will help you find outdoor jobs ranging from dog walking to working in summer camps.

  • Voiceover or character acting

    Voiceover or character acting

    If you’re into the idea of doing voiceover or character acting, there are a few online platforms that can help. Know, however, that when we say “character acting” here, we’re not talking about people like Walton Goggins or J.K. Simmons. They are both extraordinary character actors. But we consider them stars. When we talk about character…

  • Easy side hustles

    Easy side hustles

    There are a variety of easy side hustles. But, don’t expect them to pay you like a professional.

  • Get paid to manage games

    Get paid to manage games

    Love fantasy games, like Dungeons & Dragons and Call of Cthulhu? Sign up with online gaming giant StartPlaying and you can get paid to manage games.

  • Teach Acting

    Teach Acting

    Actor who needs a day job? One option that keeps you engaged in the field while earning enough to live on is to teach acting.

  • Rent a RV

    Rent a RV

    Have an RV your willing to rent? Or, just want to rent an RV? There are several peer-to-peer  sites that can help

  • Sell jewelry

    Sell jewelry

    Looking to sell jewelry? If you’ve got a local jeweler you trust, that’s the best place to start. However, these two online platforms also buy jewelry and gems

  • Music and dance

    Music and dance

    Want to make money with music and dance? Choose your course — dance in productions; play or compose for pay; or teach either topic.

  • Find dancing gigs

    Find dancing gigs

    It can be tough to find dancing gigs, particularly if you don’t live in a big city that has plenty of theatrical choices. But these sites can help

  • Play and compose music

    Play and compose music

    There are a handful of online platforms that will pay you to play and compose music — or connect you with customers who will. Here are two of the best. (This post may contain affiliate links. You can read our full affiliate policy here.) Songfinch Songfinch connects songwriters with people who want to commemorate a…

  • Sell clothes, shoes, purses

    Sell clothes, shoes, purses

    People who want to sell clothes, shoes, purses and other fashion items have a variety of choices, including old standards like eBay and Amazon. Here’s the best option.

  • Teach music or dance

    Teach music or dance

    A great way to make money while you wait to strike it big with your artistry is to teach music or dance.

  • Sell phones and electronics

    Sell phones and electronics

    Got a new phone? Dozens of sites would like to help you sell the old one. However, the site likely to bring you the most lucrative deal is Swappa.

  • Play Games

    Play Games

    Did you know that you can play games — for money? This isn’t betting. It’s about game testing and organizing. Fun. Creative. Smart.

  • Sell furniture and expensive items

    Sell furniture and expensive items

    When you’re selling furniture and expensive items, you want the maximum number of potential customers to see your goods.

  • Games


    Are games the way you express your intellect? Some side hustle platforms will pay you to use this skill.

  • Be a background artist

    Be a background artist

    You aim to be an actor, but acting jobs are rare and you’ve got to start somewhere. You can be a background artist — a.k.a. a movie extra.

  • Play and review games

    Play and review games

    Love to play games — and think you might be able to make them better with your feedback?

  • Be a star

    Be a star

    You want to be a star? While breaking into acting is difficult, the explosion of new steaming services has created more opportunity than ever.

  • Whole house to rent

    Whole house to rent

    Have a whole house to rent? Dozens of sites can help you rent a house. And many of them are good alternatives to listing on Airbnb.

  • Rent out a boat

    Rent out a boat

    Peer-to-peer boat rental sites offer value to both boat owners and renters. Owners get to defray their costs; renters get great variety at a reasonable price.

  • Find a housemate

    Find a housemate

    If you’ve got plenty of house and not enough money, there are sites willing to help you find a housemate to pay rent and share chores.

  • Rent out cameras and film equipment

    Rent out cameras and film equipment

    Photographers and film makers can recover a portion of the cost of their expensive gear. How? Rent your camera and film equipment.

  • Rent your house by the hour

    Rent your house by the hour

    You may be able to rent your house by the hour — for hundreds of dollars an hour — to film makers, photographers and event planners.

  • Rent out cars and trucks

    Rent out cars and trucks

    Dozens of peer-to-peer networks will allow you to rent-out or rent cars and trucks. These marketplaces provide value to both car owners and renters.

  • Rent your kitchen by the hour

    Rent your kitchen by the hour

    Do you have a dream kitchen? The kind of place that would appeal to the host of a cooking show? You may be able to rent your kitchen by the hour.

  • Rent cars

    Rent cars

    If you’ve got a car to rent, you need to ask yourself one question. Do I want to rent cars to tourists, or do I want to rent cars to film makers?

  • Sell stuff

    Sell stuff

    An easy and well-established way to make a little extra money is to sell stuff — the neglected items that you already own.

  • Rent out household items

    Rent out household items

    These sites can help you rent household items ranging from vacuum cleaners to tools; sporting goods to mowers.